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24-25 Season Sponsor

Donated money will be used to provide essential resources and support in the following ways: hiring qualified dance instructors experienced to ensure safe, effective, and enjoyable classes, purchasing specialized equipment and adaptive tools to accommodate various physical and cognitive needs,  purchasing costumes, props, and other materials needed for performances and creative expression will be provided. Your contribution will help create an inclusive and empowering environment where individuals with disabilities can explore the joy of dance, improve their physical well-being, and build self-confidence.

*Wix charges 3% plus 30 cents for each donation.


One time














Comment (optional)

Season Sponsorship Recognition

$1-$999: Public Acknowledgment: Listed as a season sponsor on our website and a social media shout out


$1,000-$2,499: Everything above plus 10 free tickets to our end of the year show and recognized at our shows


$2,500-$4,999:Everything above plus 5 additional tickets to our end of the year show and a custom gift


$5,000-$9,999: Everything above plus 5 additional tickets to our end of the year show and a plaque recognizing your organization for its commitment to DEIA initiatives at our show, and a persobalized show at your location

$10,000+: Everything above plus 5 additional tickets to our end of the year show, and a lifetime DEIA recognition for sustainable efforts

***In-kind donations are recognized with the same levels.

2019 No Limits Proudly created with Wix.

All website videos by Video Imagery

Website photos from Photos by Tiff & Rose Photography

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